Egyptian Aura Balancing


This ceremonial healing harnesses the powerful energies of Sacred Geometry and the ancient Egyptian Pantheon to clear and activate all dimensions of the auric field.

Although invisible to our normal human vision, the aura is the subtle part of our physical body in which we find the energies of our emotions and beliefs; our experiences and traumas. By restoring health and vitality to the aura, we bring healing all the way down to the denser structures of our anatomy (and mental activity).

In this elevated healing experience, you’ll connect with the “building blocks of creation” via sacred geometry shapes. You’ll also connect with Egyptian gods and goddesses Ra, Geb, Osiris, Anubis, Isis and Nut — each of whom has a special relationship with a specific layer of the aura. You’ll feel vibrations of royalty and opulence communicated through rich sensory cues and in moments of guided reflection.

Finally, you’ll have an opportunity to speak your desire for what you wish to manifest within the holy container of this ancient ceremony. 

An Egyptian Aura Balancing may help you:

  • Release lower vibrations from your aura that can block your ability to manifest

  • Receive more light in your aura so you can start directing energy toward what you wish to create in your life

  • Find peace and healing around traumas and struggles, both current and past

  • Set the stage for greater joy and abundance in your life

45 minutes, $225