Mindfulness Fundamentals


This 10-week mindfulness series is a wonderful first step into building a mindfulness practice. Folks new to meditation will find an accessible approach to the material. More experienced meditators will deepen and expand their skills. There’s lots of juicy stuff for every level of experience.

At a macro level, 10 weeks is a drop in the bucket for a lifetime of greater calm and clarity. But if 10 weeks feels too ambitious at this time, let’s talk about what scope of mindfulness fundamentals would best help you support your teams and members. Or you can explore other training options as well.

Schedule a discovery call

10 sessions, 90 mins each (in person or online)

  1. Introduction to Mindfulness

  2. Mindfulness of the Body

  3. Mindfulness of Emotions

  4. Being with What’s Difficult

  5. Loving Kindness & Compassion

  6. Mindfulness for Communication & Leadership

  7. Resilience

  8. Mindfulness for Anxiety

  9. Mindfulness for Work & Career

  10. Moving Forward Mindfully

Class materials include worksheets, a meditation journal, and introductory booklet. In addition to in-class practice, you’ll receive exercises you can do outside of class to bring mindfulness into your world in a meaningful way.

Next steps:

  1. Let’s set up a call to talk about your organization, what about mindfulness training interests you or your group, etc. I’ll talk about my approach and find out what goals you have for your community.

  2. It’s important to me that my clients understand the value of mindfulness for their people and organization. To that end, I’ll share the latest research and benefits of mindfulness with stakeholders and decisionmakers in a 30-min presentation. We’ll also discuss tiered pricing information.

  3. We’ll decide together on the appropriate class cadence and meeting format. Weekly is ideal, but let’s find out what will best support you and your organization. In-person and online options are available.

Ready to learn more? Let’s chat!